Supplier of global advanced organic electronic materials

Newly upgrade the AMOLED industry ecosystem and enhance the level of dual-chain modernization

As the information display carrier and human-computer interaction window in the digital age, the new display has become a key link in the process of upgrading information consumption, expanding the digital economy, and developing strategic emerging industries. It is fundamental, leading and strategic for the intelligent development of the global economy and society. Sexual effect. As display technology, terminal devices, and application carriers are undergoing tremendous changes, the display industry has also entered a new stage of development. With its advantages of flexibility, foldability, good display effect, and high integration, AMOLED is expected to change the overall shape of future products. It has become one of the hot spots for the development of major giants.

The domestic OLED industry has entered a period of rapid growth

In 2020, in terms of monetary value, the global penetration rate of AMOLED panels in new display devices has exceeded 25%, and the products are mainly used in high value-added terminal products such as smart phones, smart watches, tablets, and virtual displays.

In recent years, under the influence of favorable factors such as policy support in place, cyclical improvements in the industry, and steady increase in the strength of panel companies, my country's new display industry has undergone a leap-forward development of "from nothing to something" and "from small to large", with an overall investment scale of more than 12,000 100 million yuan. In 2020, the overall output value will exceed 400 billion yuan, and the scale of the industry will be the largest in the world. Various display technologies are competing to develop, and the industry has entered a period of rapid growth.

my country's AMOLED industrialization process is slightly later than that of South Korea. After years of hard work, the technological level, production yield, and capacity scale have been steadily improved, and the gap with the advanced level has gradually narrowed. As of May 2021, 13 production lines have been built and 4 production lines under construction in mainland China, and capacity construction has been accelerating, with a total investment of more than 400 billion yuan.

In 2020, the overall output value of AMOLED panels in mainland China will reach 21 billion yuan, ranking second in the world, forming a group of leading companies such as BOE, Huaxing Optoelectronics, Visionox, Tianma, and Hehui Optoelectronics. With the joint efforts of the industry, the company’s innovation capabilities have continued to improve. Breakthroughs have been made in the research and development of technologies such as LTPO, POL-Less, under-screen fingerprints, under-screen cameras, and printed displays. Major companies have successively launched various shaped screens, transparent screens, and folding screens. Screen, stretch screen and curl screen.

The rapid response of upstream and downstream to the integrated industrial system is an important support for the rapid development of my country's new display industry. Terminal products such as smart phones and smart watches have driven the demand for AMOLED panels. Panel companies have actively cooperated with downstream terminal companies. Huawei, Xiaomi and other foldable mobile phones and curved mobile phones have been introduced to the market to meet consumer demand for innovative products.

The importance of double-chain modernization is highlighted

2021 is the opening year of the "14th Five-Year Plan". As a new display industry with huge investment scale and construction scale, it is still in an important period of strategic opportunities. At the same time, new changes have taken place in the situation and challenges. The importance of the modernization level of the supply chain has become more prominent.

First of all, domestic materials and equipment are mainly low-end and medium-end, and the degree of localization in key links is still low. Taking organic light-emitting materials as an example, the localization rate of organic light-emitting materials in 2020 is less than 10%. In the field of equipment, its market share has basically formed an industry oligopoly. For example, exposure machines are monopolized by Canon and Nikon. The world's top three deposition equipment have a 70% market share, and the top two markets for annealing, etching, and laser stripping equipment The total share is 85%, 75% and 90% respectively. The low degree of localization of materials and equipment leads to high production line construction and AMOLED panel production costs, which brings great competitive pressure to AMOLED panel companies.

Secondly, the upstream and downstream cooperation in the AMOLED industry is still not smooth. Compared with TFT-LCD, AMOLED mass production technology is more complicated, and the learning curve is longer. The materials used in a 6th generation flexible AMOLED production line include substrate glass, polyimide paste, organic vapor deposition materials, high-purity metal electrode materials, photoresists, targets, photomasks, precision metal masks, There are dozens of categories including polarizers, wet chemicals and special gases, including hundreds of materials. The complexity of the industrial chain, slow yield rate and high technical difficulty have led panel companies to be more cautious in the process of replacing suppliers, which has objectively affected the growth of upstream materials and equipment companies in my country's industrial chain.

In addition, the supporting environment for talents and patents needs to be further improved. The industry is developing rapidly, but there is a serious shortage of domestic AMOLED talents, which further promotes the increase in production costs. In addition, related core patents are still in the hands of foreign AMOLED leading companies, and there are certain intellectual property risks in the follow-up of the industry.